Acasă Expeditii Caucaz Black Rocks – Up on Lyalever

Black Rocks – Up on Lyalever

Black Rocks – Up on Lyalever

The Ukrainians warned us it would be frigidly cold up there. Being a north face, the Wall gets very little sun during he day. The weather wasn’t too good either: the wind was chilly, and the clouds low. We couldn’t see the tops, but we could hear the avalanches rolling down the faces of the mountain in front of us.

After the soup, I went to get water for 30 minutes, and then came back feeling in excellent shape. We knew the next day would be our day. We ate potatoes, and as I felt warmer (even though there was about -10 outside), I took the sundown pictures

The alarm was set for 3:30. Lyalver, first time in the morning. Good night!