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Camp 1 – 4750m

CAMP 1 (4750m)

After a couple of eventful days we are back with updates…
This week, Adi Rusu experienced first hand what it means to get medical treatment in Kyrgyzstan. Fortunately, he is now safe, back home and he will recover soon completely.

The last day he spent in the basecamp with the guys it snowed 40cm. Snowing did not stop yet, but the forecasts predict tomorrow should be the last day, then the weather should be kinder to our boys :).
This will allow Dani to re-join Adi Fako and Misha with the first helicopter flight up the mountain as he descended in Karkara together with Adi Rusu 3 days ago.

At higher grounds, Adi Fako and Misha already prepared the tents in Camp 1 (4750m) and spent last night there. Even though Adi Fako was as well a bit sick he is better each day.
They did complain about the really salty food, but the guys liked the base camp (4200m)… Adi Fako said it is one of the best ones yet :).

The morale is good. The guys are taking it step by step getting prepared for higher and higher altitude. Fresh snow means a higher risk of avalanches so they will have to wait for a few days before heading upwards, which will also give Dani a chance to get his body accustomed with the altitude in Camp 1.

Adi Rusu said even the locals told him this is one of coldest, snowiest years Kyrgyzstan has seen yet… so we hope our boys will feel better the next days and that the weather will allow them to reach the summit.

Starting with Camp 2 (5400m) the satellite signal should be better and the guys should be able to tell us more themselves :).

Khan Tengri Base Camp – North Side

BASECAMP: Khan Tengri

After the drive through Kyrgyzstan, a helicoper took us to the basecamp of Khan Tengri two days ago.

We knew from the beginning that the altitude of the basecamp is higher than normal due to the specifics of the mountain and that proper aclimatization is crucial.

Unfortunately Adi (Adrian Rusu), is facing health problems and cannot continue any further without complications. He was taken by helicopter back to the grounds and is travelling now towards the Bishkek Airport. With the help of Cosmin (Fresh Holidays) we booked him a ticket on the next plane to Romania, tomorrow morning.

Sometimes, you might need more willpower to stop, than to endure anything to reach the top…

For the rest of us (Adi, Dani and Misha) the next days will be important to get our bodies prepared for the ascent.

Thank you for being by our side in this period!



We landed in Kyrgyzstan at 5:30, local hour, after a very nice flight with Turkish Airlines. Although we didn’t manage to sleep much, we have eaten well and we’re all feeling good.

From here a van is taking us towards Karkara today. The translator was present only at the airport and now we’re stuck for 6-8 hours with a driver that doesn’t understand English or us at all and we don’t understand anything from him either…

The joys of traveling with an agency and not being able to pick your own driver or to spend how much time you would want buying things in the bazaar. However, the Mercedes Sprinter we’re travelling with does have enough space for us and all our bags and we did manage to buy everything we needed.

Today we will have partial GSM signal and starting with Karkara we’ll need to find a satelit solution to at least let you know that we are ok. This means that you’ll have to wait for the pictures, the movies and the story details until we’ll be back in civilization :)… in just a few days…

Istanbul – passing by in another expedition to Asia


Thanks to Cosmin (from FreshHolidays) and to having the Ultrabook (from Intel) with us, we managed yesterday to finish with all the craziness with the visa quite fast, spending afterwards our time in the beautiful Istanbul.

We had a good night sleep at a hostel 10km away from the airport and now we enjoy this great city for a few more hours :).

One more stop before getting to Asia


One more stop before Kazakhstan

Due to the Visa situation the travel plans are now changed. Rather than going directly to Almaty today from Istanbul, we will board a plane tomorrow evening towards Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan and then get from there to Kazakhstan.

This means that we will have quite a detour but at least through places I already know from last year.

For now, we’re getting some food and a place to sleep tonigh. Then walk around the city…

Ministerul Tineretului si Sportului – partener EVEREST ROMANIA

Prezentare M.T.S.

Începând cu data de 19 ianuarie 2013, prin publicarea H.G. nr. 11/09.01.2013  în Monitorul Oficial nr. 42 din 19.01.2013, se înfiinţează Ministerul Tineretului şi Sportului şi se abrogă H.G. 141/ 2010 cu modificări şi completări ulterioare privind înfiinţarea, organizarea şi funcţionarea Autorităţii Naţionale pentru Sport şi Tineret.

Informaţii cu privire la organizarea şi funcţionarea Ministerului Tineretului şi Sportului pot fi accesate la următorul link (începând cu pagina 9):

Descarcă aici HG nr. 11/09.01.2013 

Conform Regulamentului de Organizare şi Funcţionare al Ministerului Tineretului şi Sportului, obiectivele strategice ale M.T.S. sunt:

– elaborarea politicilor şi măsurilor privind atragererea Fondurilor Europene;

– întărirerea disciplinei economico-flnanciare;

– elaborarea politicilor de personal;

– elaborarea politicilor privind descentralizarea;

Art.4. Pentru atingerea obiectivelor strategice din domeniile sportului şi tineretului Ministerul Tineretului şi Sportului are următoarele atribuţii generale:

a)  asigură elaborarea strategiei de punere în aplicare a Programului de guvernare în domeniile tineretului şi sportului; fundamentează şi propune Guvernului politici în domeniile tineretului şi sportului;

b)   iniţiază, elaborează ori, după caz. avizează proiecte de acte normative. în vederea realizării obiectivelor strategice şi a politicilor în domeniile tineretului şi sportului;

c)asigură administrarea bunurilor proprietate publică şi/sau privată a statului încredinţate, potrivit prevederilor legale pentru desfăşurarea activităţii aferente domeniilor de tineret şi sport în mod direct şi prin unităţile din subordine;

d)   asigură. în numele statului român, în condiţiilc legii, reprezentarea pe plan intern şi internaţional în domeniile tineretului şi sportului;

e)   asigură urmărirea aplicării şi controlul respectării legilor şi a celorlalte acte normative din domeniile tineretului şi sportului;

i) colaborează cu celelalte ministere şi organe de specialitate ale administraţiei publice centrale, cu autorităţile administraţiei publice locale, cu alte instituţii publice şi persoane juridice de drept public sau privat, române ori străine:

g)    asigură aplicarea acordurilor internaţionale în domeniile sale de activitate, precum şi promovarea de noi acorduri.